Sunday, January 24, 2010
From : Teacher
Father sent not to the government on the subyect of education. You must know that many of the ative rules rejoice at the actions of the government. The Javanese noble are in the favour of the government here and in the motherland , and everything possible is done to help them, and to make blossom to perfection.
The aristocracy sees with sad eyes how sons of the people are educated , and often even elevated to their ranks by the government because of knowledge , ability , and industry , Sons of the people go to European schools and honourable sons of the nobles. The nobles wish to have right for themselves alone , they alone wish to have authority and to make western civilization and enlightenment their own. And the government helps and support them in this . for it is to own advantage to do so.
As early as 1895 there was a decree that without the special permission of His Exellency the Governor – General no native child ( From six seven years learn Dutch would be admitted to the free grammar school for Europeans. How can a native child of six or seven years learn Dutch? He would have had to have a Dutch governess. Be for he is able to learn the Netherlands language , the child must first know his own language , and necessarily know how to read and write . it is only regents who do not have to ask permission for their families to go the European school ; most of the native officials are afraid of receiving a “ No” in answer to their request and therefore do nothing …..I remember well from my own school who knew as little Ducth as I , and I hardly knew any.
Father says ini his note that the government cannot set the rice upon the table for every Javanese , and see that he partakes of it. But it can give him the means by which he can reach the place where he can find food. That means is education. When the government provides a means of education for the people. It is as though it placed torches in their hands which enabled them to find the good road that leads to the place where the rice is served.
Father is very proud of his ancient noble race . but right is right an djustice is justice. We wish to equal the Eruropeans in education and enlightmnet . and the rights we demand for ourselves , we must also give to others. This putting of stumbling – blocks in the way of Tsar. Who while he is preaching peace to the world, tramples under – foot the good right of his own subjects. Measure with two measure. No ! The Europeans are troubled by many traits in the Javanese. By their indifference and lack of initiative. Very well , Netherlander , if you are troubled so much by these things why do you not do something to remedy the cause ? Why is that you not do something else besides an inclination for mischief.wich srings principally form stupidity and ignorance …..Here before you lie the innermost thoughts of one who belongs to that despised brown race . they are not able to judge us , and the things we do and leave undone.
Do they know us ? No, even as little as we know them ….
The Hollanders laugh and make fun of our stupidity , but if we strive for enlightenment , then they assume a defiant attitude to wards us . what have I not suffered as a child at school through the ill will of the teacher and of many of my fellow pupils? Not all of the teacher pupils hated us. Many loved us quite as much asa the other children. But it was hard for the teacher to give a native the highest mark , never mind how well it may have been deserved.
I shall relate to you the history of a gifted and educated Javanese. The boy had passed his examination and was number one in one of the three principal high school of java . both at Semarang, where he went to school , and at Batavia. Where the took his examinations , the doors of the best houses were open to the amiable schoolboy , whith his agreeable and cultivated manners and great modesty.
Everyone spoke Ducth to him, and he could express , himself in that language with distinction. Fress from this environment he went back to house of his parents. He thought it would he proper to pay his respect to the authorities of the place and he found himself in the presence of the Resident who had heard of him , and here it was that my friend make a mistake . He dared to address the great man in Dutch.
The following morning notice of an appointment as clerk to a controleur in the montains was sent to him . there the young man must remain to think over his “ misdeeds” and forget all that the learned at the schools. After some years a new controleur or possibly assistant controleur came : then the measure of his misfortunes was made to overflow. The new chief was a former schoolfellow , one who had never shone though his abilities. The young man , who had led his classes in everything, must now creep upon the ground before the one- time dunce , and speak always high Javanese to him , while he himself was answered in bad Malay. Can you understand the misery of a proud and independent spirit so humled ? And how much strength of character it must have taken to endure that petty and annoying oppression ?
But at last he could not stand it any longer he betook himself to Batavia and asked His Excellency the Governor _ General for an audience . it was granted to him. The result was that he was seat to Preanger . with a commission to make a study of the fice cultivation there. He made himself of service through the translation of a pamphlet on the cultivation of irrigated crops from Dutch to Javanese and Sundanese. The government presented him in school at Batavia. A teacher’s place was vacant ---- a teacher of the Javanese language be it understood ----- and his friends among the Javanese) did all in their power the secure this position for him. But without result . It was an absurd idea for a native to have European pupils who later might become ruling government officials , perish the thought! I should like to ask who could teach Javanese beterthan a born Javanese?